Friday, February 6, 2009

Right where I want to be

I had always wanted to be a career woman. I remember telling my mom that no matter what I did, I wanted to carry a briefcase. (I always knew how important accessories are!)

I also knew that I wanted children, but figured that I would go back to work full-time and do the day care thing. Once I got pregnant with MissyMiss I started to change my thinking. I decided that I would go back to work part-time for a while. That first day that I had to leave her at daycare was AWFUL. I knew then that what I really wanted was to be a stay-at-home mom...something I never would have seen myself doing.

Unfortunately, my husband was still doing his training and his meager salary would not support us, so I had to keep working. Once he finished his training and was offered a job, I decided to resign from my jobs. I will never forget that first day home, when I didn't have to bring MissyMiss to was an amazing feeling of relief. She was about 1.5 at the time and I thrilled to be able to stay home with her.

I have been home since then..about 4 years and I love it. I would never judge a mom who works. I think that each family should do what is best for them, and for us it is for me to stay home.

I know working moms who think I am crazy and say "I could never stay home all day." The funny thing is...I am not home that much. We like to be out and about and I am always trying to find fun and inexpensive, or even better, free, things for me and the kids to do. Each day is an adventure.

I plan to go back to work part-time once Bubby starts kindergarten. So, to stay current, I have been doing continuing education courses. Last week I went to one that was all day. Daddy took the day off from work to be Mr. Mom for the day. I was really missing the kids and called home at lunch to check on everyone. Bubby got on the phone and said "Hi Mommy. Come back home.".

Yep...I am just where I want to be.


Heather said...

Great post - I would love to stay home if I could. Unfortunately, they won't forgive my student loans! By the way - I think they sell the Sharkies and Sport Beans where they have the diet bars, etc. by the pharmacy at Target. :)

Cheri said...


That is so cute what your little boy said. Your right, no one should judge anyone who works or stays at home because we all have to do what is best for each of us. What job was it that you did before children and is that the same line of work you want to go back to?

Have a great weekend,

LuLu said...

For us I am able to stay at home at am very thankful for it, this is what I was suppose to be doing. I have my degree from a University and it was great and so thankful for it... still have my diploma on the wall and look at but home is now and later we will see.
so glad you visited my blog today!
have a great weekend,

Rue said...

Hi Sarah :)

I can't imagine leaving my kids to go to work by choice, but thankfully I haven't had to and nor do I want to. Although I would never hold it against anyone that had to. Isn't it funny though that working women think we stay home eating bonbons all day LOL

Congratulations on the weight loss!

Oh and the recipe for the frosting is easy peasy....

1 cup powdered sugar, 1 tsp vanilla and a little milk until the right consistancy. If you add too much just add more sugar. place a little into several bowls and add coloring :)
