Monday, November 10, 2008

Beachrunner was tagged to list 7 interesting facts about himself. He encouraged all interested "homies" to do the same. Here are some fun facts about me:

1. I love cupcake stuff....cupcake sugar bowls, cupcake plates, cupcake hats, cupcake shirts for MissyMiss, etc. I cannot help myself when I see something with a cupcake on it.

2. I love to organize. My label maker is one of my favorite possessions. I get very excited when I stroll down the rubbermaid bin aisle of Target.

3. I am addicted to chocolate...seriously. I don't think a day goes by that I don't have chocolate. I simply cannot get enough.

4. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters...and we all get along. No one lives near each other...we are all spread out over the US and Canada. When we do all get together it is such an amazing time. After having 2 kids of my own, I have a new found respect and admiration for my mom. Some days I feel I can barely handle did she ever manage 5?

5. I have an awful crush on Bobby Flay...I just can't help it. Anyone else out there think that he is just adorable?!?! And....I recently found out he is a marathon runner!

6. I LOVE Christmas. A local radio station play nothing but Christmas music starting the day after Thanksgiving. They do "preview" weekends in we listened to Christmas music all weekend...the kids loved it, it drove my husband crazy. I have already started watching Christmas movies. This weekend I will start with my baking and freezing...I just love Christmas!

7. In my high school yearbook I said that in 10 years I saw myself as a physical therapist and married with 2 kids...and I was right! I am currently taking time off from work until my youngest goes to kindergarten and then I will go back part-time. I think it is awesome that I am where I had hoped to be in life....and so very happy to be here.


BeachRunner said...

Great factoids & tidbits. I might add: Can anyone NOT like chocolate? And I think Bobby Flay rocks too, in a non-gay kind of way.

Pam said...

Another chocolate lover here! I atually buy chocolate nd hide in in the cabinets where the kids can't find it. Otherwise they would eat it all on me!

Shannon said...

Love the list. I am completely with you on 1, 2, and 3!!!