Thursday, January 22, 2009

What's wrong with this picture?

First of all, we had a day off from school on Monday. Below are some pics from what happens when there is a day off of school and it is WAY too cold to even consider playing outside. Please ignore the very crooked lamp shade and children all a mess. They had a lot of fun...

Before I show the "What is wrong with this picture?", I need to tell 2 stories.

First, the other day MissyMiss and I were in Kohl's. Out of nowhere, she turned to me and said "Am I white or black?" I told her she was white, aka Caucasian. She then asked if Bubby and Daddy were white too. I replied "Yes." And she finally asked, "So we are all just a bunch of whites?"

This reminded me of a Seinfeld episode. Has anyone seen this one? Elaine is dating a new boyfriend and each thinks that the other is bi-racial. When they discover that they are both "just white" they seem disappointed and then Elaine says " want to go to the Gap?"
I should have used this as a teachable moment, but it was a very crowded store, so instead I went with the "Isn't this shirt the cutest?" technique.

The other story... MissyMiss came home from school on Tuesday and told me that in class they were supposed to watch a parade, but instead watched "some man" talk. I asked her if she knew who "the man" was. She told me no, so I went on to explain who Barack Obama is.
Well....yesterday I was cleaning out her backpack and I found this picture....can anyone tell me what is not quite right here?? I think that maybe we need to get her into a more ethnically diverse school...pronto.


Wilma Lee said...

LOL. Maybe she doesn't see color in peple. That would be great!!

Heather said...

Kids are so funny! And my living room looks like that pretty much every day . . . I don't know why I bother picking up the toys and naptime and bedtime.

BeachRunner said...

So cute.

greentigress said...

What a great pic of obama! So talented...